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Campaign Announcement



December 29, 2023


I am running for re-election to the Brookline Select Board! 


I want to continue working hard on your behalf to address the critical issues facing Brookline. These issues require thoughtful, experienced, and pragmatic leadership, leadership that is inclusive of the needs of all residents, leadership that is able to work with Select Board colleagues, others in Town government, and the community more broadly. My record, on the Select Board and in the community, demonstrates that I can provide that leadership.


Issues that I will focus on in my next term include:


  • Economic and Fiscal Stability. We must maintain the Town’s ability to provide essential services and infrastructure, while taking steps to ease the burden on taxpayers. This is our number one challenge and will determine our ability to meet our other challenges.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. At a time when the very idea of equity is under attack nationally, we must strengthen the Town’s commitment to the central principle of treating people fair and equitably in all the services and opportunities the Town provides – including (i) encouraging and actively promoting Black and Hispanic families to move to Brookline, (ii) addressing housing affordability, (iii) providing for the unique needs of our Seniors and incorporating them into all facets of community life, and (iv) being a welcoming and supportive community to all residents, visitors, and workers.

  • Sustainable Climate Action. We must continue to do our part to address the climate crisis with effective and sustainable policies and practices that engage and are supported by the full range of residents of Brookline, and we must continue to model practical and effective climate actions to municipalities across the Commonwealth.

  • Smart Residential and Commercial Growth. We must leverage the opportunities created by Brookline’s successful response to the State’s MBTA Communities Act housing initiative. Under my leadership, the Select Board gave the State compelling evidence of the limitations of the Act that resulted in key adjustments to the guidelines and assumptions that accommodated concerns that were specific to communities like Brookline. The Select Board’s actions resulted in more robust inclusionary zoning, first floor commercial development mandates along Harvard Street, and a focus on affordability for our growing Senior population and lower-income residents, which was missing from the State’s approach. Following up with smart and comprehensive planning we will judiciously grow residential and commercial development and increase our tax base.


The many critical issues facing Brookline require thoughtful, experienced, and pragmatic leadership.


I ask for your support, your endorsement,  and your vote.


With best wishes for a Happy New Year,


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